stupid horse!

(photo via

just posted on

still sick :(..


so my last post was Feb 6th. I was back into a great routine of working out first thing in the morning and looking forward to a nice long run the following Sunday. Then .. Sunday came .. and instead of running.. I was taking care of my youngest who came down with a horrible fever and cough. SIXTEEN days later our family was finally well. (all by my DH got the flu). Last week we were well! I was getting back to working out a bit and trying to get my energy back after being so sick for so many days. Then... it happened again! This past Sunday.. the Stomach bug! 4 days of caring for my son and he is well.. but I am not! We will have gone almost a whole month with only one week of being well!

to say i am frustrated is an understantment. In Aug i was training for a full marathon and in the best shape of my life. Month after month since then has been injury or illness. First my back injury, then illness, then planterfacitus, then illness, and now this.. its just keeps going and going...

I dont have much control over virus's.

I feel like i keep getting back on that stupid horse and he keeps buckin me off!!!!!

So.. what am i to do?

Here i am .. have worked out literally 3 days in almost a month. I know i lost my stamina, my strength, my endurance. I sometimes feel I have lost my determination.

but I REFUSE to let that one go.

so .. i lay here on the couch... sick, (literally) and ready for the next 2 days to be over with so i can just hurry up and get on with it.

The chances are.. we will be well next week (i sure hope so).. but no one can predict the future...


i make plans, i watch videos to inspire me, i dream of running.. just me and my ipod... and loving it ...




JRo said…
Oh, so sorry. That was what our February and part of January was like last year. If I was not sick, The Boy was sick, and so it went, over and over for about 6 weeks.

Hang in there, it isn't always like this!
Sarah said…
Girl, I am right there with you, only we haven't been sick, it is ME, and I have been hurt in some manner, basically since November. I'm a little bit over it!

I do hope you find some motivation in there somewhere, because you are always inspiring to me. Tomorrow is a new day, and I hope you feel much, much better!