today I looked back a bit.. I watched Josha's video and mine.. I looked at before pictures.. and afters... and I decided .. esp after a great talk with my sweet sis.. .. what a better post than to look back.... The picture above is me.. from 2001... here i was 4weeks into my body for life program... I was a size 16.
I often ask myself what is it that motivates me to run, to lift, and to not eat that bowl of ice cream.. short and simple answer.. I don't ever want to look and feel like i did in the picture above
I DO .. however.. want to get back to the strength, energy, and enthusiasm I had this past summer.. .. What a difference a few years makes..

If you would have told me in 01 that i would run a half marathon, and stay a size 8 or below, that I would be 40 and be able to run with my 12 year old daughter... that I would dream of one day running a marathon.. of speaking and encouraging other women to climb out of that shell of depression, low self esteem, and lack of energy... I would have laughed and said "yeah right"..
I would have never thought i would have made it 8months.. let alone 3 years.. or 8..
But.. as it so happens.. loosing myself.. (my weight).. I have gained a lot of what i thought i had lost... I am continually whispered too by thoughts of grander things.. thoughts of fitness, of spiritual insights, of things not seen... "I am constantly set speechless by Gods power and his gently pulling me and molding me into the person I am meant to be.. for HIS purpose.. not mine".
so.. with this.. I will share with you .. (again).. my video and Joshas... and hope someday you too will find that God is good.. and life can change.. if you just try again and again and again.
Joshas (sorry i can figure out how to post it directly).. LOVE the song you chose for this Josha..
Pressing forward to the goal..
(I rested today.. will do my long run tomorrow.. i think its 5 miles :)
more tomorrow
so proud of your accomplishments!
I like what you've done with your blog, too!
Guess what? I run 5 miles tomorrow too!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Talk about an inspiration - look at you! You've come a long way and are doing great. Did you go back far enough my blog to see that I was a homeschooler too? I homeschooled both my boys - oldest from 2nd grade through graduation, youngest, the whole way. Congrats to you for doing so well for yourself and your children!