who needs root beer when you can have a strawberry, banana and protein smoothie for lunch!
I just got home from track practice.. the boys ran a little over 2.5 miles.. cat ran 3.5 :) I walked about a mile and a half (i think.. lost track when i was visiting :) ....I came home and hit the gym-garage.. did this:
deadlifts, squats, lat pulldowns, leg extensions, and twists with the bar on my back
the lifting session only lasted about 15 mins but it was enough :) I am already sore from yesterdays run in my upper thighs.. so i KNOW i will be sore tomorrow from lifting weights.
I have been having pain in my hip again.. so i think i need to shorten my stride and really need to research that chirunning (josha).. I miss the days of pain free runs... but i know the more i stick with it the more my body will adjust and i will get stronger... so i just need to keep going :)
Can we talk about EATs for a bit?
I am focusing this week on getting back on track with eats. When we were on vacation I had 3 cokes! "ruining my record" BUT the cool thing is.. I didnt miss them when i stopped drink them AND when i got back home NO cravings for them .. it seems tea is my drink of choice :) (that and water) ...
so.. I have dusted off my blender and since Sunday night have been making shakes.. yesterday i had two (one for snack and one before bed after i ran) and today one for lunch :)
it feels so great to be getting back into the habits that i have lost even on the nutrition side of things!
I am feeling better every day! and look forward to being back in shape again ...
Progress.. not perfection!
OH and Cat and i are running a 5k race this Saturday... the boys are doing the mile run! should be great fun! and we might even end up with a t-shirt out of it!