fast post :)

got that run in today.. at 6pm.. took the kids to track this evening for an extra practice this week.
i did 3.25 ish miles in 40 mins.. i lost track of laps but know it was atleast 3 miles for sure..
I feel good... sore. and my leg is still tender from the ankle twist but did not hurt when i ran :)

on eats front... i am cutting back on sugar again.. drank 1.5 glasses of tea today as compared to a normal 4 or 5 glasses :) .. drank water the rest of the day... had a major headache but when i started running it went away :) ... only to come back a hour later...

more tomorrow after i lift :)


Josha said…
tea affects me so much more than even coffee. a quick way to relieve a headache?--stand on your head
Josha said…