Todays RUN update :) .. YES a RUN!

I havent been this sore in ages! guess that workout yesterday did the trick :)

just home from my 2 mile run.. ran the first mile in 9:07.. walked and ran most the second mile 10:17.. for a grand total for a 2 miler at 19:24.

IT FELT SO GREAT! I HAD TO PUSH MYSELF TO GET THROUGH IT.. but to sweat, to be by myself.. to have the music in my head and nothing else except to keep telling myself i could do it.. to be away.. to destress, to relax... to feel the breeze on my skin, to have the sun shinning on my face (with my new glasses!)..


it was a crazy busy day but i came home cooked supper and didnt eat... told the fam to save some for me for AFTER my run!
more tomorrow after i do lower body in my clean(er) garage!


Amie said…
Good for you! Yay!
JRo said…
YEAH! I thought of you this morning while I ran, about how good it felt to run again, and how I was hoping to hear that you felt good after your run too! My hopes fulfilled!
Josha said…
so glad!
I had a great run too, but haven't posted yet. Are we postponing our 10k, I'm guessing? We had talked about this Saturday. We could do it in April instead?
I would really love it if you and JRo and anyone else interested would post a video of you running, so that I can improve my form. Isn't that a great idea? You can teach me online! :)