my nike unrun :)

so i found out another way to make a run go by fast.
try programing your nikeplus sensor to your pace... do you know what i am talking about? how you calibrate the sensor to your step ..
thats what i tried to do tonight when i ran.
tried and tried and tried
but i couldnt get it to stick... dont know what was wrong.. so
i just switched it back to the settings it came with and decided to try again later

i would love to hear what the trick is... so share if you know :)

now for the run

2.6 miles

and i feel better.

to go get things moved around so i can get the weight bench into the bedroom for the winter :)

decide what my next plan will be.

i havent quit yet.


Laura said…
you won't quit! you are moving your body and that is what counts. good going!