What a year. What a year.
Needless to say.. when it comes to fitness and trying to stay healthy .. this year has been pretty darn tough for me. In an effort to refocus, re-motivate and re-dedicate myself to staying on course i decided to do a post reviewing the events of the past year. I will try and make it as brief as possible..
Dec 31 2007 .. I ended the year with a bang! a huge success... the last post of 07 was filled with excitement of being able to squat 100lbs SIX times!
Jan 2008 ..
Dec 28th:
Looking back on the year has done two things for me. It has helped me realize this year has been pretty tough and I have not quit. I also realize that life will get in the way .. every year.. and this list of injuries and life stresses i see above makes me more determined to do better in 2009.
I decided today to try and find what I have lost. I lost along the way my mental and spiritual edge. My belief in myself that I COULD do this. The practice of prayer to be what I am meant to be. To be an encourager, a motivator, and a leader for those lost in the pain of an unhealthy lifestyle. I have flat out been wallowing in my self pitty.. Telling myself that it all fell apart
and i didnt have the power to put it back together.
I tonight.. I found the courage to start again. To rededicated.. and to refocus.
Part of that .. as always with me.. must include before photos.
Photos don't lie!
Below you will see my photos. Its me.. at 142lbs. I have gained 14lbs since April. and with that gain.. lost who knows how much in lean muscle mass and strength.
I could be really upset about that number. but i am not. I am thankful its not any worse. I am also happy to actually see a bit of muscle still on my back .. considering i haven't lifted weights in months! and really not seriously in a year!
So.. here are my goals.. for the next few months.

I have done it before ... i will do it again.. its just a matter of time, prayer, dedication, determination, and.. yes.. blogging about it! LOL
Thanks to all you sweet gals who are always there to encourage and support me through the good times and bad. This blog and the people who read it are the main reasons i never quit this year. thank you for that.
and i forgot to mention that I did pushups, lunges, yoga, and balance stuff on the wii fit tonight. I then brought my bench and dumb bells in our bedroom .. from the garage.. and lifted weights. Upper body.. 12, 10, 8, 6 and burnouts too! I did bi curls, chest flies, triceps, and shoulder flies.
I am already really sore from my abwork from yesterday (like sore to breath sore) and i know i will be feeling it big time in my arms and chest tomorrow :)
A welcome friend has returned to my life! Sore is good! YIPEE
ok.. so if you read this.. then TAG you are it.. Now its YOUR turn for a "year in review" post :)
Needless to say.. when it comes to fitness and trying to stay healthy .. this year has been pretty darn tough for me. In an effort to refocus, re-motivate and re-dedicate myself to staying on course i decided to do a post reviewing the events of the past year. I will try and make it as brief as possible..
Dec 31 2007 .. I ended the year with a bang! a huge success... the last post of 07 was filled with excitement of being able to squat 100lbs SIX times!
Jan 2008 ..
- first post of many this past year about giving up sugar. Yes.. the dreaded sugar.
- took a country western dance class with my hubby
- 6th: posted "be strong, be confident, and believe
- The month of the flu (everyone in the family got it... I got it TWICE... actually lasted more like 6 weeks.. but we will call it the month of the flu)
- 26th: posted "already lost lots of strength"
- the month of the shoulder injury. stopped lifting for good for a month
- took up the thought of running a half marathon.. read and loved Marathoning for Mortals
- Hoop-n-Holler run to China (virtual run)
- 22nd officially decide to run 1/2
- 28th.. HUGE goal reached of being in the 120s! (128lbs) It had been 18 years since I was in the 120s!
- Month of Art Camp. Juggled that and training for 1/2
- 4th... Ran 1/2 marathon in 2 hours 20 mins
- great run month.. decide to train for full marathon
- 30th registered for race (over 100 bucks)
- 6th 14 miler .. longest run EVER!
- 13th.. FOOT PAIN
- 22nd Hair turns green from all that swimming (since i couldnt run I swam)
- 24th .. 40th birthday
- Month of the BACK INJURY .. flat on the back for about a month.. this month sucked! to go from running 14 miles one month to flat on my back .. urgh.. just sucked.
- Dad's stroke
- Family sick with stomach virus
- Husband to ER with virus
- Trying hard to get back into it
- bought a NEW nike plus!
- trying hard to deal with feelings of frustration and failure.
Dec 28th:
Looking back on the year has done two things for me. It has helped me realize this year has been pretty tough and I have not quit. I also realize that life will get in the way .. every year.. and this list of injuries and life stresses i see above makes me more determined to do better in 2009.
I decided today to try and find what I have lost. I lost along the way my mental and spiritual edge. My belief in myself that I COULD do this. The practice of prayer to be what I am meant to be. To be an encourager, a motivator, and a leader for those lost in the pain of an unhealthy lifestyle. I have flat out been wallowing in my self pitty.. Telling myself that it all fell apart
and i didnt have the power to put it back together.
I tonight.. I found the courage to start again. To rededicated.. and to refocus.
Part of that .. as always with me.. must include before photos.
Photos don't lie!
Below you will see my photos. Its me.. at 142lbs. I have gained 14lbs since April. and with that gain.. lost who knows how much in lean muscle mass and strength.
I could be really upset about that number. but i am not. I am thankful its not any worse. I am also happy to actually see a bit of muscle still on my back .. considering i haven't lifted weights in months! and really not seriously in a year!
So.. here are my goals.. for the next few months.
- I would like to have my wii fit me.. below my age instead of 5 years older than i am
- I will weigh in the 120s in 8 weeks.
- I will complete my half marathon on the last weekend of Feb
- I will begin building my body building body back!
- I will gain muscle and loose fat
- I will gain speed as well as endurance
- I will feel strong again
- I will have fitness become a habit again.. :)
DEC 30th 2007

my bicep is in there somewhere.. :)
and i have been growing my hair out.. can you tell?
and i have been growing my hair out.. can you tell?

I have done it before ... i will do it again.. its just a matter of time, prayer, dedication, determination, and.. yes.. blogging about it! LOL
Thanks to all you sweet gals who are always there to encourage and support me through the good times and bad. This blog and the people who read it are the main reasons i never quit this year. thank you for that.
and i forgot to mention that I did pushups, lunges, yoga, and balance stuff on the wii fit tonight. I then brought my bench and dumb bells in our bedroom .. from the garage.. and lifted weights. Upper body.. 12, 10, 8, 6 and burnouts too! I did bi curls, chest flies, triceps, and shoulder flies.
I am already really sore from my abwork from yesterday (like sore to breath sore) and i know i will be feeling it big time in my arms and chest tomorrow :)
A welcome friend has returned to my life! Sore is good! YIPEE
ok.. so if you read this.. then TAG you are it.. Now its YOUR turn for a "year in review" post :)