sit down and take a deep breath

first of all I am seriously considering NOT going to the race.
NOW before you all go crazy on me.. let me explain :)
here are my reasons for not wanting to go:
  • I am not ready.
  • I could finish 13.1 miles for sure .. i have the mental determination to do so.. but I am a bit worried how it would leave my body.
  • I am JUST now getting to where I have NO pains in my back and I am worried if i push it then i wont be able to run all winter. (which is something that sounds so depressing!)
  • I dont want to spend MORE money going to an event that I know I cannot do my best in.
  • This is NOT the vision I had for my first big race... showing up, walking, worried I would be one of those people they cart off the course. .. not the vision at all.
  • I am just not ready.
Please dont see this as if I am giving up on running, fitness, or striving to stay fit. Not at all! Infact.. I see this decision as a way to perserve my fitness lifestyle. I dont want to give my body for one race and be sidelined for weeks or months because of it.

There will be other races. No worries.

what will i do instead??? Well.. we are still in discussion about that. For sure that weekend I will do a 10k with my girlfriends and then we will see... movies, shopping, a girls weekend or staying here .. dont know yet... but either way we will celebrate our accomplishments and each other.

And now... what I did and what I have planned
Yesterday was a day FULL of cleaning and organizing... (will it ever be done?) .. I am happy to report that I accomplished my goal of having a space for my art :) I also now have an Etsy shop! how fun is that?
Today.. I woke up this morning and took the kids to track.. they ran 200s and 400s i ran 2 laps and walked fast the rest .. 3 miles .. it felt good to be outside in the wind visiting with my sweet friends.
I am determined today to ... YOU GUESSED IT.. clean out the garage. Because you know me by now and when i declutter the house.. all the bags of donated stuff and extra things i just cant part with YET go to the garage.
The garage has our weight lifting things in it... so hopefully at the end of the day i will erased another reason i havent lifted weights.. a messy garage! (sure is a lot of work to workout ! LOL)

OK.. and now for the last part........

Being injured for so long (flat on my back) and unable to do so many things got me to thinking. I realized that this fitness stuff was starting to take over my life.. it was so much a part of who i am and what i wanted to be... laying there for so long and mourning the loss of my fitness it made me realize that I need to get my attitudes in balance. I am not saying fitness is not important in my life!! it IS.. what i am saying is that I MUST find (again) a way to have fitness fit into my life. not my life fitting into fitness. Training for a marathon takes soooo much time. .. those long runs take 2 or 3 hours on the weekends.. time away from my family.. I love it .. but could it be possible to be really fit without that level of running? SURE. I want more time for ME in other areas like my art, and to just sit and relax. I am not just a runner, I am not just an artist, I am not just a Mom, I am NOT just an art teacher, and Homeeducator, I am NOT just a wife .. there has to be balance.

My plan is to work on finding the balance. To be happy with what i can get done in all aspects of my life and to be in THIS moment and time enjoying who i am right now insted of "not being happy until this-in-such happens."..

Stay tuned for my plan .. (i will have a plan :)

Until then...


JRo said…
I don't think you are quitting. I know that I HAVE to have a race in mind, or I won't run. Maybe, for a while, until the art thing really flows, you can just do 5Ks and that sort of thing! I get you about balance. I have been thinking about that a LOT in my own life.
Josha said…
I'm so glad you came to this conclusion without me having to drive down there and kick you in the butt. :) Training for a race is taxing on your body, but you don't realize it so much until the race is over. To race without taxing yourself slowly in training is threatening to your future as a runner. I loved training for the half and will probably train for another one next spring, but until then, I am enjoying running for ME! And I'm so excited about concentrating on weight training for the winter...AND running just because I CAN. Snowing today! Looks like the big snow that will take us into winter!
JoAnn said…
Ruthie, God uses a myrrad of things in our lives to speak to us. He customizes our journey; tailor made for what He knows we need to grow, to be corrected, to feel loved. For me is been several things....spina bifida, the divorce, relationship with Brent, the art. For you its the art, Joel, kids, AND your relationship with running/fitness. I knew this day ... well, was hoping this day would come for you. Its a *very* wise decision. Physically, you've been through a lot over the past 6 months. Learning how to respect your body when its telling you something is a wonderful sign of your spiritual growth. As you said, they'll be many more opportunities for races. The question was, what are you to do with this one?' Love you much, Jo
Laura said…
Hey Ruthie,
You are so not a quitter. In fact, it takes a winner to realize what is best for their body and not torture their bodies. Thank you for this post. It brought tears to my eyes; as I am nearing the end of my own goal I get a shoulder injury. It has severely stumped my progress and mindset. I have been working on the latter the past fews, not too well. Your post I needed it.