revelations :)

ok.. you would think after 2 years of working out that "getting back at it" wouldnt be all so difficult.
But after almost 6 weeks off with no real pattern and consistancey i am struggling to find my way again. I am frustrated with myself and my body. I have lost muscle and have gained some pounds were i worked so hard to get rid off (URGH). and I giggle in places I havent giggled in for 2 years now!
here are some things I realized yesterday.
  • I have to have a plan
  • I have to set some goals
  • I have to be working toward something
  • I have to get up and get it done first thing in the morning .. i cant wait until later
so .. check back later for my plan .. I now it wont take long to get my fit body back.. but i have to be determined to eat right and exercise or its not going to happen. when i was running 10 or 14 miles a little cookie here or there didnt matter.. but now... ouch.

ready to be in the grove again and wondering how long it will take to get there..


Josha said…
Challenge?? I'll be thinking!
Here's what keeps me moving...Thinking about what I WANT, not dwelling on what I don't want. No matter where I am in my fitness, if I've backtracked, stalled, etc., I face forward. No looking back. I may have just eaten a jelly donut...face forward. From right HERE (jelly still on face), where do I want to go?
Shawn said…
I so know that feeling - it's good you are catching yourself early. I started down the path of 'meandering' and I ended up 'lost' for two years. But I can't lament the time I've wasted - now I've got a new plan and new goals - need to focus on those!
Anonymous said…
having goals and a plan sure help...but then you have to follow through and be determined that you will do matter what! Having a Powerful Reason Why is also a great motivator. Find something that moves you and gets you excited about reaching for that goal. just as Josha says..face forward. two years ago you (and I )were focused on moving away from something (being overweight) now we need to be looking forward towards something. some soul searching might be involved. you can do it!! we'll be right here to cheer you on no matter what!