JSDAY 2 DONE .. no virus can stop me!

just finished my mile on the mill and legs lifts
I did 2 sets of 10 squats, curls and extensions
its been sooooo very long
that that was totally enough and i am already feeling it :(

had a horrible rough night.. but took 2 naps today and I was determined NOT TO MISS

2 down
8 to go

while running I saw in this vivid imagination of mine.. strong eyes of determination.
I drew it after.. this is what came out

Silent Determination
(please see my art blog for a progress shot of this.. also.. any images i created art under copyright)

get up get out and get going progress is only a few minutes away from where you sit right now


Anonymous said…
you go girl!! LOVE the drawing!! getting fit sure does take determination!!
Laura said…
Go Ruthie! Love the drawing. It is exactly how I see myself when I get the fierceness during a workout or anything I am striving for. Nowadays that would be to not be nauseous. BAH!