I am just NOT me..

I havent been me for a while. well.. actually I have.. but its been the OLD me. The old depressed, lathargic, lazy, tired, too busy, always something wrong with me .. me.

Its been so hard getting myself back on track.. but i have tried hard to be patient and not expect too much right at first. I have been easing back into running the last few weeks.. mostly walking with some running at track (when my kids run)...
I had yet to run longer than a mile straight without walking.. but tonight...
ladies.. tonight..
I did over a mile... actually i ran 2 miles.. with only 3 very very short walking or stretching breaks.

it felt GREAT!

Running is my stress reliever, my thing that centers my thoughts... its also... and MORE IMPORTANTLY.. the thing i do instead of taking blood pressure medicine..
You see... i have low blood pressure.. and for most that is great... and i guess it IS.. BUT low blood pressure makes you feel like crud.
Yesterday and today i have had moments of dizziness.. and I know its because of my low blood pressure.... a "I feel like i might pass out" dizziness.

I havent had one of THOSE spells in 2 years! .. yeah.. that long.. and the WHOLE reason is i exercised everyday.. its taken about 6 week for the old me to come back.. and she showed up yesterday.
I didnt like it one bit.

tonight after supper i felt aweful (felt aweful before supper too) having to talk myself into getting off the couch and doing my housework,.. the trip to the library and grocery store was exhausting..
and .. BOOM.. that was it .

have to get this under control again... I am done.


feeling bad.


Great news is that my back, feet and IT band felt GREAT when i ran! it was soooooo relaxing!
loved it. it was FUN. FUNNNNNN>
then i came home.. and LIFTED WEIGHTS.... just light weights but did leg extension, ham curls, bicurls, lat pulldowns, .. (sweeeeeet) loved it.


I am glad running puts me back to being me. I have missed me lots.


JRo said…
Isn't it amazing how 6 weeks can 'erase' 2 years? Just kills me.

Thought about you on my run today. About how I feel like I am where you were 2 years ago. How I hope that all the work I put in now, will let me get into maintenance mode, and STAY healthy and lean.
Glad the back is great, glad YOU are great!
Josha said…
I've missed you lots too.
Shawn said…
Ohhh I SOOO know that feeling. That "who is this person avoiding the gym" feeling. I've been spiraling downward for two years now. TWO YEARS! I've almost forgotten what it felt like to feel good.

Glad to know I CAN get it back. And congratulations on finding yourself again!

(PS I have low blood pressure too... makes ya feel bleck!)