just wanted to let you all know i just finished 4 miles...walked 3ish ran 1ish.. felt good.
Do you know the story of Grandma Moses?
This past Friday I had an opportunity to stand in front of a Grandma Moses Original painting! I was inches away from it... and it was an emotional experience.
WHY? was the painting as technically complete like a Renoir or a Peale? no. But the painting inspired me like none other I saw that day. (you can read more about our trip HERE)
What place does art have on my fitness blog? Well.... this painting stirred emotions of guilt and desire all at the same time. It is hard to explain... but in order to understand you must know a bit about Grandma. You see, she didnt become a painter until she was in her 70s. She died at the age of 101!. ... In that amount of time she completed 1500 paintings!
This experience awoke something inside of me.. it erased all the excuses i have for not doing the things i love. Grandma Moses did art cause she loved it! Standing there all those excuses were blow out the window... i have no excuses. God created me with special and unique gifts... I need to accept the fact that i have a talent and USE IT.
so.. I am committing myself to the challenge of being an artist like i committed myself to the decision to become fit. I have learned so much through the journey of trying to be active and conscious of my food choices... I have learned it takes time and determination but mostly I have learned that life will get in the way and knock things out of kilter.... and that desire and staying motivated is the key to staying fit. Its the same with my art... the same with everything that is important in life...
So here are some questions for you:
What are you doing today to use the talents that God has given you?
Are you ignoring that inner stirring, that emotional pull, to be the person that you know you should be?
What is getting in the way of being the person you know you can be?
What can you do to change your path.. and get on the road to who you were meant to be?
Do you think it is too late for you and your dreams? ...well.. your wrong. Grandma Moses proves it.
I am recommitted to my art, and my fitness. Goals have been set and reached and when i get knocked down i will keep trying.. because .. when it comes down to it... I dont want to waste my life ...
I wanted to post this video that my sister Jojo shared with me yesterday... I believe too that we are all meant to be creative .... take a peek... see what you think
(by the way i am going walk-jogging this afternoon... only 2 short weeks are left until the 13.1 and 30000 people! yikes :)
I had the same feeling when I went to the Smithsonian and stood inches from Renoir, Monet, Manet, Degas, DaVinci, Angelo...It was overwhelming. I never realized that Gramma Moses was 70 when she started painting! I have a friend here who paints amazing watercolor wildlife pieces who never knew he could paint until he was in his 30's. Come here next summer and enter your work in some of our shows!