burrrr and my Non-marathon race report :) (UPDATED)

its been getting colder so this weekend we moved the treadmill inside!
I will be running later this afternoon :)

Yesterday was to be the day i ran my marathon. I am so glad i decided not to go. With my Dad having a stroke last week.. it would have been even more stressful to have been traveling to the race. I was so happy yesterday morning to be sitting in church instead of at the starting line where it was prob 34 degrees and really really crowded. (two things i really dont like.. cold and large crowds :)

This past weekend we celebrated not going by driving up the road a bit to a small town that has a GREAT art gallery and shops:) I had such a relaxing day on saturday and really celebrated with my sister and friends :)

It seems I have been having art flowing like crazy these last few weeks. I have always been an artist but have never taken it seriously. The combination of being on my back for a month and going to the DMA has rekindled my love and passion for art. I made a promise to myself a few weeks ago to "do art everyday" .. just like i made a promise to myself 2 years ago to "do something active every day" . My journey in fitness is such a spring board for so many things in life it seems... Interesting how when you take care, take time, and focus on progress not perfection . it can bleed through to all areas of life :)

this is all for now.. I am off to work on my "handsome prince" and will post later this afternoon that I ran on the treadmill :)

I just finished running on the treadmill. I ran while i watch part of a tv show on my laptop :) .. then I did crunches and leg lifts afterward while watching some short videos from the biggest looser.. talk about inspiring! so cool
"bad" news though I can already feel how sore i will be tomorrow ... yikes a rama!



Anonymous said…
Ruthie, I wanted to drop by to let you know am thinking of you. so glad you are feeling better.
it is getting colder and am never ready for the winter months.
progress, not perfection! such a great quote! thanks for reminding us of that.
despite not doing the marathon race you can still Celebrate LIfe!!
Josha said…
maybe we'll run a marathon in our fifties!! As long as we're still taking care of ourselves (definitely!), then I don't see why not!!!