Update from 90 year old :)

Left foot pain (September:most of 2 weeks off)
middle back pain --neck pain --severe lower back pain (another 2 weeks off)
  • the start of a sinus infection--started feeling bad yesterday... URG>
Lower back is still aching-sore-tight figure another trip to the chiro this week :(

feeling like i will never be normal again!

I feel like i worked so hard to get in shape.. just to get injured and sick!!!! frustrating. At the "end" of my 2 year journey i was expecting to feel like a new woman... but a young one.. NOT a 90 year old!

This is getting ridiculous!


Laura said…
I sooo symphathize with you. I am closing in on my end and here I am sick, the muscles in my back are constantly screaming at me. What the heck? I'm doing so well otherwise. I feel so beat down.
JRo said…
Oh girls! Don't give in to those feelings! At the very least look at how far you have come and how much brighter your future is! What would you have done two years ago if this had happened to you????