I cant wait to try them out on a long run! I ran on the treadmill at the store and loved them! I am so happy i can now get a 6 miler in :)
I ran 2 miles this morning with a mile walk afterward. It felt great.
Still having some back and neck issues, which is frustrating. hard to run and relax with a pain in the neck :)
I am wanting to go for a second run later tonight to give the shoes a good try :)
hard to believe these are the shoes that will get me to the finish line!
Ok.. so i wonder how much more body parts will fall apart before I try and run this marathon!
now my LOWER BACK is KILLING me.
I am icing it right now.
I have not done a thing to it that i know. My neck was bothering me for the last few days and this morning so i know it connected.
i am sooooooooo frustrated. I feel so old, out of shape and not in control of my body or my training. When will I be done with "injuries" or "aches and pains"?
-dreaming i had a massage therapists on staff..
shoot.. dreaming i had a staff :) hehe.
is there a massage school near you? they do massages for 20-30 an hour.
your body is just trying to psyche you out. you are not out of shape nor old.
I ran my first marathon in a pair of Brooks and still have them. Awesome shoes... I may have them bronzed or something. ;-)