Had my "last" Chiro appointment this morning.
Todays adjustment consisted of adjusting my lower spine. The rib that i had pulled out of place, (and waited 10 days to do anything about), ended up pulling on the muscle that runs down the back causing it to pull the vertebra together in my lower spine. The therapy i have been having the last three days was all in an attempt to get the swelling down so i COULD be adjusted.
The Chiro also told me that on a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being really out of wack.. -those are not his words but mine).. that I was a 9 when i came in! He also said that if I was adjusted with the swelling like it was before that it could risk a bigger problem and could have resulted in surgery!
(oh i am so glad he didnt tell me all this until after i was fixed! yikes!)
Good news all around. I am so happy. He said i could run this weekend and would def. feel like it for sure by Monday!
I am a bit sore but nothing like i was.. and . .. today i will have to fulfill the promise i made to the kids last week.. "if you do all your chores AND mine today.. then when i am feeling better all three of you will have a day off!" .. So.. i have toilets to scrub and dishes to wash :) hehe.
One of the bad things that has come from this back mess is my extra bit of weight i have gained back... It is funny how much Ice Cream and M and Ms helped my back! Its like a miracle:) LOL .
I am just so happy to be the closest to normal that I have been in about a month!
Praise God for Chiropractors!
Check back soon for my "game plan" for getting my miles in for the half AND weight lifting again!
thanks for all your encouragement! In the past.. this would have made me quit for atleast 6 months! .. not anymore :)
Can't wait to see your game plan! How cool is it that you are able to change your plans to fit your life, instead of giving up and letting your life make its own crappy plans?