I am now a believer!!!!
My husband MADE me go to the Chiropractor today after track. (I walked 2 miles)
10 days ago when i "adjusted" my ipod string while running.. the POP i felt in my mid back was a RIB going out of place! That pain went away but it went to my neck.. then my neck was better and went to my lower back. I could not pick up a paper off the floor, tie my shoes, and could hardly get in bed and lay down!
The Dr adjusted me quite a few times (cracks and pops so loud my hubby could hear it!!..)and when he was done said "girl.. you were a train wreck!"
i can not tell you how much better I feel now!!! WOW.
I think i should have gone to the Chiro about 20 years ago :) hehehe..
My lower back is still sore.. its a different soreness though.. i will ice it most of the day, which is what they said to do after they did the "electronic stem" thingie on me :) ..
I told my husband.. you know your a runner when you will go to the dr because i WANT to run!.. I am not a fan of Drs. I have never been to the Chiropractor, and the thought of someone popping my back has always brought fear to my eyes. But . today..
love ya :) JJ
am so glad you got this pain in the back taken care of! now to get back to the task at hand! just know that you are going to fly now!!
When can you get out there and run again?