"Thank you for joining us for another episode of: AS THE BACK TURNS, a continuing saga of a Mom whose back has "gone to the dogs"
In today's episode Ruthie finds out that she has a fluid filled sack (because her back is so inflamed) in her lower back that is causing a "clicking" noise as she walks. She gets therapy (cortizone gel and ultrasound etc) and feels better for about an hour.
Ice has become her best friend and her children are beginning to wonder if she will ever cook again, do laundry or be able to pick anything up off the floor again!
Dr Chiro wants to see her tomorrow for more therapy and hopes to adjust her lower back on Wednesday. This puts tears in Ruthies eyes as she wonders how loud she will scream and if they have a wooden spoon she can bite down on!
Ruthie has also given up on the idea of running a full marathon in Nov. and will be happy to complete a half at this point and has only one goal.. of being at participant and not a spectator.
Tune in Tomorrow for another exciting, yet depressing episode of
Oh, and I am sad for you, but excited to see how you learn from this rough patch of no running!
Does your chiro consider this to be a running injury or just something that coincidentally came up with all of life's other demands? Regardless, I can imagine how discouraged you must feel. Try to remember there will ALWAYS be another marathon, whether or not you're able to compete in November. It sounds like running and staying in shape is a way of life for you now, not a temporary hobby. The important thing is to get well and build up your strength again. So many of us have been where you are now and it's definitely not easy, but it makes the comeback all the sweeter when it happens.
Good luck and get well!