squats, leg extensions, bis, stretching, new exercise for my IT band.. ab work.. (was thrilled i was able to do 24 hip ups! .. havent done those in forever and remember only being able to do 2! about a year ago!)
heres a shot right after i finished.
ok.. so i loved the undies post .. heres a version of my own
the dark blue are my old size workout shorts which use to be tight on my waist, hips and thighs.. there was a time there i couldnt even fit into them! .. .. ok.. so i still wear and have to roll up three times to keep them up and which.. by the way are the ones i am wearing in the photo above :) )
on top are my gray and current size workout shorts.

i had a good day today.. i have been trying hard to up my calories ... and have been feeling lots better. I am planning on a morning run first thing tomorrow as we will be busy with our homeschool coop all day and i cant leave it until tomorrow night :) PLUS a cold front came through and its spose to be in the 60s tomorrow morning! wow.
today i found this video of Kelly Ripa.. its so funny.. Anderson cracks me up.
I will be running with you in the a.m. It's gonna be fabulous!!!