throughout this whole 2 year journey i have had ups and downs for sure. I realized quite a while ago to expect things to get difficult and that the hardest part of staying fit is mustering through when life is yelling at you to quit.
I am still struggling and its really frustrating to have my digestive system rule my runs. I am so ready to be back to normal. !! I am so ready for my runs to be easy again.
so today was a lesson in "how to deal with wishing i had a porta potty around the corner and had to run 4 miles to get to one" :)
some other lessons i learned today:
- No matter how cute the dog looks try to stay far far away from grammy and her pooch. (I had a dog jump up at me and almost bit me! seriously!... the grammy yelled "so so sooorrry" .. and i was like "yeah grammy... take control of your pooch!" ... I was trying hard to get around and give the dog a wide birth but she had him on a LONG leash (which i didnt realize) .. I had to jump back with my hands in the air to get way from his jumping bite!)
- traffic really picks up close to 745 am! and i am so glad i dont live in a big city! where i have to breath car exhaust on every run.
- water is good and my bottle WILL fit in a small oak tree (Love i found a new hiding place)
- walking is ok!
heres to running and getting an hour on the road while dreaming of a porta potty around the corner but having to wait until i got home.
“Running won't kill you, you'll pass out first!”
"Everyone is an athlete. The only difference is that some of us are in training, and some are not."____Dr. George Sheehan.
"Relish the bad training runs. Without them it's difficult to recognize, much less appreciate, the good ones."_____Pat Teske
The very most important part, you are passionately pursuing your fit self!
I am hoping the tummy issues settle down soon! here's to a great run tomorrow!
Thanks for visiting my blog! Good luck with your marathon! Sometimes I think I must be crazy to be attempting a marathon myself... glad to see there's some other crazy mommies out there too!
Chantel aka mymarathonmommy.blogspot.com