Didn't run yesterday... took the day off.
Walked with the ladies at track practice this morning and ran a few hills.
I havent decided when to do my long run... I would like to do it tomorrow morning but I have an all day back to school thing i will be at for our homeschool group.. so i think it will be best to wait until Sunday ......
I got some much needed sleep last night and feel much better today. I have increased my salt intake and i think that is making me feel much much better. I am ready for life to settle down a bit..
this is the busiest time of year for DHs work, my sister is moving here (yipppeee!.. she finally has electricity!) and my mother in law had sugery yesterday. Plus getting things ready for the homeschool co-op school year and our Homeschool chapters back to school event ... busy busy busy busy...
and i chose to train for a marathon.. like i thought i would have time! Hoping not to drop something... and if i do.. it lands softly!
i am so looking foreward to a nice relaxing 12 mile run ... (which seems odd to say :)
hope you have time to just sit and enjoy the birds, or smell the roses :)