long run finished (UPDATE)

finished my long run.. but no time to post
have to get stretch get breakfast and get ready for work.
longer post tonight..

10 miles
1 hour 42 mins

glad i am done

ok.. so its Saturday night and i have time for a post before i get to go to bed :)
the run this morning was good. I had a time getting out of bed this morning.. staying up too late (again).. i know better! but the family was up watching the olympics and there was no way i could get to sleep.. so chatting with J (my friend in China) was my only option :)
I didnt leave the house until 645... 30 mins later than i was planning. so it wasnt too bad :)

first mile was a stinker .. its like it take a mile for my body to go "OH you are wanting to run today"
4 mile was tough.. but i stopped and ate part of my energy bar.. and got water..
still loving mile 5.. its always been the best
stopped again for a few seconds on mile 8 to eat a few more bites of my bar..
mile 9 was "i wanna walk" territory.
Mile 10 was a blast.. i was almost done! YIPPEE..

thoughts that kept racing through my head.
"my body feels fine.. so why do i wanna walk?" .. "cause running is a mental exercise"
"hey.. there's those two guys again.. wonder how far they are running"
"shoot.. have to go potty"
"ahh.. feels great to sit down for a minute"
"shoot forgot to reset my watch"
"hey.. there's those two guys again.. wonder how far they are running"
"wonder how many potties they will have at the race"
"ugh.. how many more? .. ugh.. why am i tired?"
"hey.. there's those two guys again.. wonder how far they are running"
"dont want those guys to see me walking.. gotta keep running"
"i am not tired.. my body is fine.. it all in my head"
"hey.. there's those two guys again.. wonder how far they are running"
"one more .. almost home.. yeah"

I ran the 10 then worked on my feet most of 6.5 hours. There is NO way i can do this at longer distances... I will have to switch my long runs to sundays once they get longer than 10 miles..

while at work my IT band started bothering me.. i stretched afterward and stretched some more at work.. but know it will be great to have a rest day tomorrow :)

before i head out.. i just found out about this site! Its all running mommies.. check it out! so cool.


Josha said…
wow! Great time! you stayed right at your goal for a super long run! Hope your art day is great!
Josha said…
hey...there's that girl again...wonder how far she's running? ;)
I run a measly 3 tomorrow and I think it's fun that I think 3 is measly.
Unknown said…
WOW!! 10 miles!!! You rock!!!!!!