coming here looking (UPDATE)

so.. why do you blog?
for me.. some days its just for fun
other days (like today) I come here looking.. to gather inspiration, and muster my determination to get up and get going.
after feeling bad for three days now i was hoping by today i would be back to normal.. but i am not.
I am still congested.. a slight annoying ringing in my ear.. and feelings of "will i ever run again and feel good" are floating across my mind.

The world is filled with self doubt and i try so hard to shield myself from negativity. But after a while it just gets you down.. esp if your runs are experiences that bring you centered, clear your mind, relax your soul. thats what running does for me and when i cant get out there and feel the breeze and smell the fresh air.. its disappointing.

so.. i come here.. dressed in my running gear (minus my shoes) .. feeling flabby in my belly and heavy in my sinus's :) LOL. .. but.. as it has done many times..
blogging getting me motivated.
reading others posts, seeing others working toward a goal.. makes me want to get up and get going.

i am off..

more after i get off the treadmill. (as it is too late to go run by myself and i must stay here with the children :)

OK.. so i am drenched with sweat.. tired and needing to rest.
its a pretty sad case after only 1.33 miles.
I ran a mile straight at a 10 min pace.. my usual pace.. but never found the energy to keep it up.

so.. i decided to take it easy.. take it slow. and rest.
I do feel better than i did.. just for having a bit of a run.

This whole thing teaches me once again to never take my mileage and workouts for granted. I am amazed at how i can go from running 9 miles and feeling like i could go for 20 one week.. to barely getting a mile in this week.

I am not sure what to do about my long run on Saturday.. i will have to be motified.. but i will be doing some reading on what to do about it.

OH.. and i dont feel so flabby in the belly anymore either.. I had thrown on my older running skirt that is to big when i first got up.. before i ran i put on one that fits. its amazing how wearing the right size clothing makes you feeling better LOL

here to feeling better tomorrow .....

and HERE is a song i LOVE.. its about being more than just OK> I want to be that.. more than fine.. more than ok..
this is by switchfoot.. the tune on their album has a richer sound.. of course.. its GREAT to run too

heres how it sounds on the album:


Josha said…
You're great, Ruthie! It takes a real super woman to get onto a treadmill when she's used to running outside....sprints won't be so bad on a dreadmill, though! I actually like to do sprints on the mill every now and then for a different feel and no worry of rocks on the path, etc. I can't wait to hear back from you! I hope your head and spirit both feel better!
Laura said…
You got out there and ran, it doesn't matter where or how far you did it.