i'm gone (UPDATE)

About one yesterday afternoon i started feeling better. I could tell i got my energy back :) so i was excited to get up this morning and go for a great run.. early.

well. i didnt sleep well last night and when my alarm with off this morning .. UGH>. i didnt want to get out of bed.
but then.. a song popped in my head as i was trying to go back to sleep .. it was this one.

I am a believer that it matters what music we listen too.. just another tool to help us toward our goals..

so i am gone..
out the door.
:)for a great run.

what a run this morning
I started out not feeling too hot but made myself get going

then at the 2.5 mile mark i wanted to quit. I wanted to walk.. but my goal was to do 4 miles ..
so i mustered up the guts and the music got me going again and i finished the 4 miles in 40:12... it was just a tad above my goal of 10 min mile.. so i felt good about that.

I had a moment today when i was a bit overwelmed during my run. started crying and everything..(have you ever tried to run and cry at the same time?.. its strange) just thinking about how far i have to go.. how far 26.2 miles is.. its seems so impossible.. and some runs i feel like "what am i thinking" "i have no business doing this" .. but .. you know.. we all have these moments .. moments of self doubt.... and usually .. if we listen.. our soul will be lifted.. and we will hear the whispers that tell us we can.. and we are not alone and that life is more than this here and now and life is more than just being.. its about seeing what is possible. ......... and thats what happened this morning.. I came home refreshed in many many ways. ..
I listened to the whispers :)

what a blessing.

( i am now off to get things in order for a trip the library, and then a day of getting things in order for our homeschooling to start up on Monday :) ..

... i'm gone again :)


Laura said…
Yea! I feel back in the land of the living as well.

Hope you had a great run.
Anonymous said…
What a great song...Life is too short...the days do go by so quickly!! Something about getting closer to 40 makes you stop and think about that doesn't it? I'll be 39 on Monday and can relate to your blog title.."fantastically fit by 40!" hope today was a great run for you!! I'll be thinking of you today!
JRo said…
Gone! I love it! Glad you are feeling better. I need that running stuff too. NEED. Now take care of yourself, and throw out all that sugar in the house! ;)
Josha said…
gone like yesterday!
yay for a great run!