weights completed :)

busy day.. short post

chest flies
chest press
bi curls
tri extensions

feelin it already

loving to be back at the weight training

shoulder holdin up nicely so far :)

loving this song .. found these guys and ran to them on my monday run..

have a blessed day!


Josha said…
great news about your lifting success!
JRo said…
I have been thinking about your recent progress pictures. It has been so wonderful to see where you came from and get to watch where you are going. I feel so blessed to have a true, healthy, realistic, role model. Thank you.

Your abs look AMAZING by the way... a little jealous here! ;)
Ruthie said…
ah.. jro.. thats for the encouragement.. I didnt know i have abs.. its funny how i had to go back and look and .. oh.. yeah.. i do have a bit of abs there going dont i :)

I was inspired by a few along my journey so its cool to do it for someone else :)

thanks! (you make me want to keep going :)
JRo said…
You HAVE to keep going! You have made a LIFEstyle change!

The best abs picture is the side one.

Can't wait for your marathon journey!
Unknown said…
I'm so excited you're back at lifting!!!!