ok.. so.. i have had a rough week or so.. and you know why.. i think it is directly related to my food intake.. and the lack of quality nutrition.. as well as lack of sleep..but mostly less exercise!!!!
I am happy again tonight to announce today was a soda free day.. I weaned myself off for one day last week.. but went back to it after little sleep and having to teach ... so.. I steadily have been working my way off yet again.. and today although I was very tempted around 4pm .. i stayed clear of the dark stuff :)
instead i had a nice little glass of fresh ice tea... it perked me up and got me through the day.
I am still trying to figure out what is really going on with me.. but i am thinking more and more it is mostly low blood pressure. I need to buy a blood pressure machine to test myself and see..
but you see..NOT running makes me feel bad.. NOT running makes me have a lower blood pressure.. and as a result all day I crave things like sugar, salt and caffeine to increase my energy levels and my pressure.
I know for a fact my normal walking around blood pressure is 90s over 40s .. when i was pregnant the nurse always took my pressure three times or so to make sure it was right cause it was always like 92 over 48. I think she found it unusual.
I have searched the net tonight for answers.. and heres what i got:
"Aerobic work depends on energy from the body to fuel the increase in oxygen demand. The muscles in use require oxygen to function and the increase in activity means an increase in the oxygen required which means that our bodies need additional energy to supply our muscles in order to continue to function properly. This is accomplished by our our increase in respiratory consumption (we breath faster and harder) to get more oxygen into our lungs, and into our blood. Also the increased respiration dumps the Co2 faster as we are now producing more than average during increased physical stress. Our hearts also must pump more quickly to aid in this process. As our heart beats faster it also beat with a more forceful intensity to supplement our bodies new demand for energy and oxygen as well as byproduct removal. Thus raising our blood pressure." click here for the the direct link
so.. as if i needed yet another reason to stay active.. to stay motivated and to not quit..
i give you my friends
INCREASE BLOOD PRESSURE .. the drug like nothing else :)
my clothes are laid out for tomorrows early morning run.. I am going to shoot for 4 maybe 5 miles.. i think it will make me feel better to do atleast half the distance.. although its off the plan a bit.. I will take it slow.
more in the morning after i run .. and get this heart pumpin :)