(ATTENTION this might be to much information for you... esp if you are a guy who is lurking here.. if you dont like to talk about TOM.. then skip this post)
ok.. we girls know that running effects our monthly visits :).. in fact.. working out in general, being healthy, has a big effect on every part of our bodies and our cycles are no different.
Why am i talking about this?
well.. because i know some gals (remember i use to live with 200 different women every year for 9 years and thats a lot of girlie stuff going on!) .. anyway.. i know (knew) some girls who had horrible experiences once a month. I, thankfully, was never that bad .. but.. for a few years before i started up my program again in 2006 i too had my share of not to great issues. Cramps like no bodies business for 2 days, heavy for 5 days, no energy .. literally needing to lay down for 2 days prior, horribly sore upper body (if you know what i mean) for a week prior. the list goes on and on..
Fast forward to 2008 and I have had many changes in my body, including my friend TOM. I have a few cramps here and there but the last few months i have had TOM show up and didnt feel a thing! I am normal for one.. and then 3 days after just tiny amounts of spotting. I get a little tired the day before.. instead of 2 or three days of extreme exhaustion like before. For the most part.. its night and day!
This month was different. Last week i drank cokes like crazy. (I am now celebrating my 4 day coke-soda free again).. and thats the first time in a long time i had drank to that extent. I can only guess that my dunking into sodas last week has caused me to pay the price this week. I had symptoms of PMS for a week prior, i was horribly sore in my upper body and just felt exhausted all week.. esp so yesterday... which led to a day of just laying around. This morning i woke up with cramps and just felt awful. How's a girl 'spose to get up and get dressed feeling like that much less go for a 4 mile run!
I have read that running makes the cramps go away. I honestly felt like staying in bed.. but i got up .. got dressed and headed out the door. I almost turned around and went home at one point (only 1/4 mile into the run).. but i forced myself to keep going.
I did 4 miles in 37:13 mins.. not a personal record but i am happy with that time considering i had to walk more than i am use too, it was also HOT since i left at 730 instead of 615. but.. I did it. after the fist half mile was past i had no more cramps. and felt much better.. although not 100%
I am .. of course back home.. feeling better and more determined than ever to stay away from those awful drinks that the world screams at us to drink. "wouldnt you like to be a pepper too" (no thanks) "coke is it" (your sure right its IT.. IT causes cramps, swelling, sugar cravings.. you name it) the "taste that really satisfies" is just not worth it!!!
Just another reminder to myself that "i am what i eat"
promise a more "user friendly" post next time :)
This morning on my ride, i was thinking of you and how great you look. I'm 35, I hope nearing 40 I can look smokin like you and post a pic of myself in shorts and a sport bra; even if my tan is 5 shades lighter on my belly!!! Seriously, such encouragement for me. I am also hoping we have one more child, maybe next year...
Though I will say that running is the last thing I want to do with that kind of migraine and the first five minutes are torture. But after that first five minutes, all the pressure in my head slowly begins to dissipate...and after the run is over, the headache will usually be gone.