morning run and new outfit BEFORE PICS

I wanted to take "before marathon pictures" and "after marathon pictures :) Heres my before.
Lots of people say running a marathon is hard on your body. I am determined to actually gain muscle when i am training being focused on weight training, stretching and resting correctly. I want to come out of this more fit than i am now. :)

hey look.. i still have a little bit of a gun up there :)

ok.. so i am fixin to leave on my morning run and wanted to show you my new running outfit :)
more after i run :)

Ok.. I am back from my run i decided to go ahead and just do 2 miles because i dont want to over do it on my heel. I can add my long run on monday or tuesday if all is well :)
after my run i hit the garage for:
leg extension: 2 sets of 10
squats: one set of 12
mens pushups: 3 sets of 10
bi curls: 1 set of 12 with 10lbs and 2 sets of 12 with 15lbs each hand

the above weight routine is a far cry from my squatting over 100 and curling 30lbs.. but i am offiicially back at it :) will be strong again in no time :) I miss my guns :) LOL

i also did lots of stretching and will do more in a few minutes. I read on a marathoning site that is a huge mistake first timers make is not realizing the importance of stretching... not this rookie :)

ok.. off to get things ready for cats track meet.. then work.. then a board meeting.. lots going on.. but this will be nothing compaired to next weeks double camp :)

its all about progress.. not perfection :)


Sarah said…
Ruth, you look truly terrific. I'm so proud and inspired by you!
Anonymous said…
you look great!! I'm constantly debating with myself about whether or not running distances is a good idea. I like what running is doing for me and my cardio fitness level but there is so much opinion out there about it being horrible for you. I, like you, want to run and be healthy. I'm not doing long distances yet but someday really want to set myself to the goal of a marathon but worry about the toll on the body too. hmmmm Let's just say I'm really looking forward to watching your progress.
Josha said…
Those are still some great guns! And it looks like the half/training have smiled upon those legs and given you a lean, mean look! Yet, still cute, as ever!
Unknown said…
HOORAY! You look incredible! And you've seriously inspired me to do this half marathon thing! Yay!
JRo said…
Hey, got my background from
I just deleted all the advertising out of the html code... 'cause I am cool like that! ;)

So excited that you are running a full marathon. I will have to see when it is so that maybe me and the family can be at mile 20 to cheer for you! :)