great run this morning

ok.. heres a question.. how do you get use to waking up while its still dark? ugh.. its sooooo hard to get out of bed when its still dark..
but i did it anyway this morning . :)

our the door by 630am..
4 mile run..RAN the WHOLE THING no walking breaks.
I slowed my pace down so it was a bit slower than my fastest time.. for that distance 38.30

I am pleased with that time esp cause i wanted to walk for about a half a mile cause i got a side stitch.. I used a new technique of just grabbing the side with my right hand and pressing hard.. but is didnt stop running :)

ok.. busy. day.. today makes half way through my "marathon" week of art camp :)
today is jackson pollock :) and splatter painting! FUN

more tomorrow .


Unknown said…
Proud of you!!!! Look at you...halfway through your week of camp (actually more than half by the time you finish Wednesday...) and you've managed to workout EVERY DAY!!!! Woo hoo!!!

Now for some encouragment in Chinese: "加油!!加油!!"
JoAnn said…
Ruthie, you're doing so well! Pacing is key, as you know, so be gentle but forward moving as Richard says. Missing your classes this week. :(
love u,
sauchagirl said…
Fantastic! I can't believe how you keep running along. Have a great day!
Josha said…
atta girl!