OK.. so its coming down to the wire.. I am turning 40 in 11 weeks! I cant believe its getting so close.. I have lots to decide and i need to make some of these decisions in the next week or so.
hope your day is well..
more after i lift.
- I am 90% sure i am going to give a full marathon a try. I have emailed a friend i know that runs marathons, has kids (younger than mine) etc.. with a list of questions. I am holding off on the other 10% in case i might find some other reason to not do it. I am debating on the race in San Antonio or the Marathon to Marathon. It seems so impossible.. but so did 13.1. I hear people say "its hard on your body" but I think its all about proper training, an resting when your spose too! (like i am today :)
- I have begun weight bearing exercises back up this week.. I will lift this afternoon and post
an update when i am done. But i must get back into the weight lifting.. - I have promised myself to become more focused on stretching.. to reduce injury but also because as we get old we loose a lot of our flexibilty. I want to be a grandma that can get down in the floor, play tag, and go running with my grandkids. If i want that kind of lifestyle in 15 or 20 years.. i need to start taking steps toward that NOW:)
- I want to buy some new outfits for my birthday! Including a winter running outfit! I want to be prepared this winter to continue my running. OH.. and i just registered to be in a drawing for a new running outfit.. click here to enter!
hope your day is well..
more after i lift.
AND you can totally to this marathon thing.