when I started this blog two years ago.. I made promise to be open and honest with myself .. and .. you.
so.. here it goes
all week i have been having doubts. doubts that i could really and truly complete a marathon. its just such a HUGE HUGE thing for me.
here are some of my fears:
- I will get injured and not be able to compete
- I will pay for the marathon and end up not being able to compete.
- I will be the last person to cross the finish line.
- I will not be able to get to the finish line and have to quit without completing it.
- They wont have enough restrooms and i will need to go potty! (silly.. i know.. but true)
- I wont be able to figure out how to eat to keep myself going through the race.. and pass out with a crowd looking at me like i a just nuts.
- the long training runs i will have to go on will be so exhausting i wont want to actually get the starting line.
- maybe i should run the half .. i know i can finish that.
- its soooooo far.
- the unknowns.
I know now why they say running is mostly mental. because it IS
I know i will have to do what i did when i trained for the half.. just put the blinders on and not worry about the future and how many miles i will have to run. To look at the training plan as a whole is overwelming! .. so .. for now.. I will focus on next week. and not look to far ahead.
whats the worst thing that could happen? If i dont complete the marathon then i lose my 95.00 registration fee.. BUT i will still get my t-shirt (which i think is funny ) ..
... I think its worth the 95.00 risk .
I know i can do this.. its not going to be easy by any means. .but .. i can. Anyone know where i could get a good set of blinders????
on to progress. not perfection. :)
Ok.. so after all that.. i did a search online for reasons TO run a marathon...
click here to read 26.2 reasons why
and.. last but not least ... this:
It's funny, I was going to ask you if you felt this way in the beginning of training for your half. As I was running this morning and thinking, "there is no way...," I decided to check in with you about this very topic! Thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one with doubts.
you CAN do it, yes there will be bumps, but those only make you tougher because you persevered. i LOVE looking back and seeing how i persevered and won.
i love your saying, progress not perfection. and progress is on your side. KICK BUTT!!!