ok..heres the issue
going out of town tomorrow..
long run on Sat planned 9 miles, I dont want to run that far in a strange neighborhood.. ..
so. i have decided to do my LONG run in the morning!
that means.. shorter runs while i am gone.. which is good.. but.. also means that the "bad run" i had today must have been for a reason :) funny how things work out :)
so.. heres to tomorrow morning and a GREAT run.
on a siden note we are going to san antonio tomorrow.. so i will hopefully get to drive the route of the marathon while i am there! dont know if that is a good or bad idea.. it will def show me how far 26 miles is ! ouch.
more tomorrow after some time "alone" running :)
THURSDAY 7-31-08
614 am.. fixin to walk out the door for the long run.. got up at 545am. no problem... was a bit dizzy this morning but i think it was cause my brain was still asleep while i was trying to walk around... a glass of OJ and about 15 mins later and i am fine.
more in about an hour and a half (i still cant believe i am running this far.. crazy.)
______UPDATE 2_____
OK>> i am am back left about 630.. oh and what a run!
I felt GREAT! the whole time! yes.. alllll 9 miles. .. well.. i did have an ache or a pain here or there.. but for the most part just felt awesome. After yesterday mornings run.. it was a joy to be out there and feeling good.
After about 2 miles i met up with two gals (younger than me).. one of them is somewhat of a local celebrity. She is a news anchor for our local tv news station. I have seen her out running before with this other girl who i assume is her personal trainer..
anyway.. I stopped for a second to get a drink from my water bottle (that i had hidden in the bushes by the way) and they ran past me.. I started jogging and ended up following them .. at their pace for 3 miles. It was funny cause they kept looking back to see if i was there. I ran 2 and a half with them .. being about 10 feet behind .. .. it was fun... their pace was perfect for me :)
it was also surreal. you see.. 2 years ago. when i first started to workout and get in shape (again) i had seen them and was i awe of their "in shape-ness" and ability to run with such ease. I remember thinking "it sure must be nice to be that fit and run that easy" and "to have such a small waist.!!! and muscular legs" .. I remember it like yesterday.
and today.
today... my friends........
when they were stretching they waved and said "HI" and i said hi back. and then.. I KEPT GOING!!!... i ran 4 more miles after they stopped!
now.. thats just NUTS!
I must must must figure out what to bring with me to eat on the longer runs.. i got so hungry at mile 6.. but kept going.. I just dont know what to take.. but i need to figure it out.
feels great have the long run done so now we can do short runs while i am gone... wish me luck at the water park.. hopefully i wont get sunburned too bad !
I never knew nine miles could feel so good!
9 miles: 1 hour 29mins. barely under my 10 min per mile pace goal for this morning. :)
now its time to go pack.. :)