I did it.. got up and on the road by 620 this morning.. weather PERFECT .. birds singing.. others out running.. an amazing start to the day.
I didnt have time for a long hour run that i am spose too.. so i opted for a 2 mile run but as fast as i could go... I am SOOOOOEXCITED! and wish you were there with me to hoop and hollar when i finished..
my time was 15 min30 sec. the fasted 2 miles of my life! AND the fastest mile pace of my life! 7.75 min a mile. :) under 8 is great with me!
ok.. all for now.. have to go get un-stinky and ready for 26 art children:)
happy running to you
i think i have decided on my next goal. Find a 5k in Sept. (close to my birthday) and run the 5k in 20 mins or less :) .. I looked at a local 5k race results and the winning time in my age bracket was 22.40 .. the winning time in the 30 to 39 range was 20:52....
HUM.. wondering if it could happen. dunno.. but its a goal :)
gotta get through my half first :)
Have a great day.
I'm here in your part of the world sweating like crazy inside...how do you run in this heat!???
I'm soo impressed...I'm trying to chisel down my 3k and manage to run the whole thing....you're blowing me out of the water! Yay, for you!! (and for me because you are inspiring me to reach my goals!)