told you it was harder than a marathon!

Ok.. remember a few months back and I "declared war" on sugar.
Remember the "sugar beast" blog i started and then stopped.. :)
I am in the middle of another round of battling with sugar.

you see.. for me.. sugar IS a drug. (well it is for you too.. but you might not know it yet). when i eat sugar (cokes, brownies, sugar in my tea, ice cream,) and bad carbs (pizza, breads, crackers, etc).. it makes me feel great for a while.. but then i crash. and there i am with no energy, and having to talk myself into getting up to do a load of laundry.

the bad thing for me is that usually a "little" turns into a LOT. and when i get to where i am now.. (after about a week of having sugar here and there.. but lots more than i am use too) i become irritable, extreemly tired, and just want to go grab a coke to just refuel for the next 2 hours or so.
Here i am .. tired of being tired again. Tired of not sleeping through the night. Tired of being hungry all the time.

so.. I continue the battle, and am determined to feel better in two days again (thats how long it will take me to feel better)

the long and short of it is..
sugar stinks. No good can come from it. Yeah.. it tastes good.. but beyond the tastebuds.. its rotten.

On the "long run" side of things. I was very happy with making it 10 yesterday. I had complete energy the whole time and never once needed to stop to grab a orange (or juice). I know its because i ate a big meal at about 9pm the night before (mexican food, beans, avacado, chips) and i actually drank OJ and ate 1/4 of a bagel about 30 mins before i left.

This fueling the body stuff is so important. If i want to feel good i cant expect to put junk in my mouth and run a half marathon. .. well. i could but i would feel awful while doing it.

so.. heres to not giving up.. and starting to say no ...


Anonymous said…
Im so like you (could it be our age? :)) in that it takes DAYS to get over a sugar inhaling experience.


hang in there.

drink lots of water.

tomorrows a new day ;) if youre in my 'hood----stop by.

we're talking about emotional eating.

JRo said…
Girl I am SOOO with you. Sugar IS my drug. It just is. You can do it! I am right in the middle of a sugar hiatus right now! I feel GREAT by the way!... oh, and I always have lots of weight loss too! Sugar makes me bloated too!
Anonymous said…
oh girl... I'm so with you on this. I had a sugar binge yesterday and then the beast overtook me again today. I NEED to stop! I'm stopping. I know I can't toy with this it is like nicotine for me and it needs to stop. We can do this.