My Virtual 5k Answers :)

1. When did you start running?

I started running (again) when i started working out (again) in 2006. I had run before after my second child, and participated in a 5k.. it was a great experience .. but i didnt do too well.. I was tired most of the run.... as it ended up i had a tiny little person running with me :) and nine months later i had my 3rd baby weighing 9lbs15oz! and of course.. i was no longer a runner.

2. Did you follow a plan (C25K etc.) to get you started running? If so, what plan did you use? If not, how did you go about getting started?

I started running hiits and short 20 mins sessions on the treadmill because i was using the body for life program to get back in shape. Now i am training for a half marathon and would strongly encourage everyone to read Marathoning for Mortals.

3. Why did you start running?

To get fantastically fit by my 40th birthday. Recently i started training for a half because i hurt my shoulder lifting weights and i had to take a much extended break from lifting :( .. After a visit with my doctor (who told me to never lift weights again ... which i disagree with by the way)... i told him if i couldnt weight train then i would run a half or full marathon. I also have had this crazy goal in my head of running a marathon close to my 40th b-day to celebrate getting older but feeling younger:)

4. Now that you are running regularly, what do you find to be the biggest benefits?

I have broken the plateau i had been in for 8 months! and have finally dropped in the 120's... my goal has been to get to my goal weight of 120 by the time i am 40. (will see if i get there by september)

5. What are your future plans for running? Short-term and Long-range.

I am currently trying to run 4 times a week with one weight training day and one biking day.

I will be running this 5k, with the goal of beating my best time.
I will run my half the morning of July 4th.
I will rest for a few days after the long 4th run and then start training to increase my speed on the 5k, enter some races, and hope to get so good i might be able to win my age group :)

6. What are your personal goals for the Virtual 5K?

Run it as fast as i can. I would love to run under a 9 min mile, under 27 mins.. but i realize that is a BIG goal.

7. Do you have a music “theme song” that you will use for this race?

Police Synchronicity. That song gets me running when i want to quit :)


Anonymous said…
Thanks for those answers. Loved reading them. I fixed the link on the V5K page so that it now goes to your current blog. Sorry about that.

I think it is cool that you want to get faster. I'm so much more of a beginner than you but I am of the same mind. Even though I know I want to run a half marathon some day.

I wish I could talk to you about HIIT. I don't really know how to incorporate it into my training but I've heard that it can be good for fat loss. Hmmm maybe if you have a spare few minutes you could let me know what you think about HIIT.
Josha said…
Loved reading your answers!
sorry I've been MIA!
I finally posted! Got to work felt so good!
LOVE HIIT, especially for weight loss. Also a good time to work on form.