ok.. so i was fine during my runs yesterday.. hip hardly hurt at all
but about 30 min after .. ouch. it started hurting.
I am resting today but i am determined to get in my 10 miles tomorrow. Its make or break it time for me .. the 13.1 is only 2 weeks away!
I read some more and realized part of the problem could be the uneveness of the track. so i will run tomorrow morning on the grass around campus and see if that helps :)
If not.. all i have read says its ok to run through it.. so i am not worrying.. I will take walking breaks, stretch and be easy going. But i am focused on finishing what i started.
on a happy note
(when you loose something the first place you should always look is ....
SO.. now if i can find the other part .. i will run tomorrow using it! YIPPEEEE
Josha.. send another challenge link and i will see if i can join :)
Also.. I am really ponder the idea of joining either bill phillips Transformation challenge OR the Body for Life challenge and actually sending my photos in :) .. Just thought i would through that out.. cause i would love others to join me :)
happy friday!
Heres a dose of inspiration!
click here to read her blog!
I've been checking out that BP Transformation site. I'm a bit confused as to what needs to be done since there doesn't seem to be much info on the site. I registered and it said it would send me info in 24 hours. I'm all in for making this next 12 weeks count. Not to torture myself but to give myself the best 35th birthday present I could ever hope for. I've been doing great with the running but want to do more. I feel like now I'm itching to do more and I have been having real trouble getting focused in terms of the food. I'm definitely thinking of taking the photos this time though. I'm bummed that I don't have them from 30 pounds ago or even 5 pounds ago so I guess that is a sign that I will want them if just for nostalgia since, when I get where I'm going I'm never turning back.
Love ya, J.