Now that's better.
I have had a great day today.. i have felt fantastic since 1130am.. could it be that my sugar surge/withdrawals are over and done? YES :)
This morning i had 2 sips of dp.. and NONE the rest of the day.. I also ate small meals through the day and just feel soo much better :)
I am just amazed and how sugar effects me.. I know i probably annoy some for talking about it.. but it just blows my mind... On sugar i am cranky, low energy, negative thoughts, negative self image, horrible sleeping patterns appear, wake up feeling tired, I am hungry alllll the time.. and always thinking of the next time i will get to eat.
OFF sugar.. i have tons of energy, a possitive self talk and outlook, no crankiness :) (unless the cat poops on the couch :) LOL , I sleep great, wake feeling fully rested, after i eat.. i get full, i feel satisfied, and i dont think about "when can i drink some more soda, or eat some more chocolate :)"
Life Limiting sugar is GREAT.
I need to remember sugar tastes great but makes me feel bad. Its poison to me... the worst drug.
I am looking forward to my run in the morning.. but i must be getting off to bed so i can get up at 6 to run before teaching art camp :)
happy Tuesday!
Keep on truckin
Have a great day!