57 mins.... eating on the run

57 mins... three mins shy.. but i am ok with that.

i lost count of how many laps i did but it was 5 and a half or 6.

I tried gatoraide but didnt like it. it left my mouth dry like i couldnt get enough to drink.. .. you see.. while i run i do a very unlady-like thing. I rinse and spit. .. rinsing and spitting with gatoraid left me with cotton mouth.

so i spoke to Coach.. and he said
1. eat a big supper the night before a long run. a salad wont cut it
2. eat a banana or orange right before i leave to run
3. drink water

so i will try that next run.

on a side note... my middle son has been sick.. running fever for the last 2 days.. but today so far so good. sore throat. .. i was up at midnight and 330am and 6 checking on him. .... so i am so happy that my interrupted sleep didnt keep me from running. In months past i would have just rolled over and stayed in bed until 10... not anymore..
its a new me :)

off to have a fun filled day with no art camp... just preparations for the next one :)


JRo said…
I have to do watered down Gatorade. And different flavors are better or worse. I spit too! ;)