My yesterday was good. I cleaned and got in a much needed 3 hour nap.
I had withdrawals pretty bad.. just cranky and literally NO energy about 7pm i drank 5oz of dr pepper and i was AMAZING how much better i felt. I could take on the world! Its just nuts how it effects me. As a result of my much needed 3 hour nap and a bit of addicting dp AND the fact i needed to refresh my memory for my Art Camp lessons today.. I was up until midnight. I slept horrible.. waking up ever hour or hour and a half. BUT before i went to bed i set my alarm for 6;01am..
and this morning i was looking forward to my run. I left the house about 620. The morning was cool .. no wind.. and the sunrise was amazing! (wish my camera was smaller and i would stick it in my pocket and take a few shots to show you :)
I ran the first three miles without stopping.. 3 miles in 27 mins. Around mile 2 this guy in blue shorts and a grey shirt past me. I was determined not to let that guy get away from me :) and.. in the last mile.. i ran past him :) now .. THAT was fun :)
so.. the last mile was a 7 min mile! WOOOOOOO WHOOO!
Feeling good.. looking forward to a fun day with 30 kids who are going to get to learn about papyrus, the Chinese man Lun who invented the basic modern process of paper making, make their own paper and learn about Denise Fleming :) (FUN)
gotta go get ready.
have a great run. or lift.. which ever you choose today :)