Watch-boots-new favorite

good morning. today is day 2 .. and another day closer to Independence day :) ..
I plan on lifting weights this afternoon and will post after i am done.

fun things i wanted to share:
  • A few weeks ago while at a friends house.. i tasted Asparagus for the first time in my life! It was roasted in the oven with a bit of olive oil, salt, and lemon juice. Now.. it is my new favorite food!
    WOW.. what's happening to me! I am truly turning into a health nut! ..
  • I found a sports running watch and i love it! I had one years ago (7) but had not really started missing having a watch until i started running again. I have been looking for almost a year and a half for one I liked but refused to pay 30 to 40 bucks for a watch. this past weekend at walmart i found one I LOVE and it was only 10 bucks! Marked down from 33.00! ( I love a deal)
  • .. so now i have a "real" stopwatch but it also has a cool "hydration" setting to remind you to drink water.. cool huh?
  • do you know if you can loose weight in your feet? I had some really cool cowgirl boots (justins) that i have had since before kids. I have kept them all these years cause i hoped some day they would actually fit again. last year i even had my DD use them .. well.. as you know we are taking horse riding lessons.. and this past Saturday i pulled them out again to see if they could fit. and you know what? THEY DID! I was so excited. I wore them to lessons and they felt great the whole time... instead of hurting my feet like the use too! YIPPEE! these boots were made for walkin :)
My 3 mile fun run yesterday felt great but i have a bit of soreness in my lower legs so today i will lift weights and do some treadmill work and stretching..

Hows your day? ( am i no going to go put some Asparagus in the oven ... YUMMY!)


Josha said…
add some's even better! Next, try cauliflower and brussels sprouts the same way. YUM!
Great job on everything! I don't know if your lower leg pain is calf muscles or shin splints, but when you run for distance, concentrate on a hard heel-down-first approach and save running on your toes for quick, short sprints. You probably already know that, but just in case....
Ruthie said…
its not really "pain" I can just tell my legs are tired. I should have followed the run/walk training instead of the run training.. but I felt so good yesterday.. but for the last 5 mins! .. thanks for the tips !
you rock!

on the veggie front.. cauliflower and sprouts are so radical i WILL be a Veggie nut case if i try those! ..

change is good!
sauchagirl said…
I love asparagus roasted! You should also try them on the grill. Marinate them for 10 minutes in some s & p, vinegar, olive oil and garlic. Grill them for just a short time. They are so good. And I love brussel sprouts roasted too!

You are doing awesome. I am hoping to get a nice long run in like yours this weekend. I'm concentrating on HIITs this week.