---before my rant... a few things to tell you---
- at my garage sale today i saw a lady that i kinda recognized but couldnt figure out for sure.. ends up .. she was wondering about me too.. and finally asked my name.. she said "i thought that was you ruth.. but you have lost so much weight.. you look so different.. i wasnt sure!" .. and i said the same to her! she had lost 50 and i 40 since we saw each other.. cool.
- horse riding for over an hour today was fun.. but walking to church tomorrow will be interesting to say the least.
- i am so ready to change my theme and start a new 12 weeks! yippe!
my rant.
It IS a conspiracy I tell you!
so i went swimsuit shopping on Friday (yesterday) .. I tried on 20 suits and didnt like ONE.. not ONE..
what i dont understand is this..
HOW can i be a size 6 in a jean-pant and a med to small in a shirt.. and be a size TWELVE in a swim suit! AAAAAAAHHHHHHH !
I know i know.. size doesnt matter.. anyone who watches "what not to wear knows that" .. but
come on girls
it must be a conspiracy. to get the emotional hearts and souls of women around the world. No wonder so many women have bad self images. .. .. we work hard.. get in "shape".. loose weight.. measure our success of failure by a size.. and BOOM.. they shoot you down.. right there in the dressing room in front of a mirror while you are booty neigh kid!!!!! (LOL)..
its aint right.. i tell you..
here me roar..
it aint right.
heres to keeping my old swim suit and being happy that is a bit big and a size Medium. ..
I refuse to pay THOSE suit makers money for a suit i dont really like.. AND one that makes me mad.
why cant they just go by measurements anyway? could we please have some equal rights in the clothing industry? mens pants.. by the inch.. in the waist.. by the length in the leg.. why cant it be like that with us females?
just wonderin.
Swimsuit shopping is the absolute worst. I would suggest trying Lands End. They do help you find the right size by measurement and I think they have some pretty cute suits. You can do all your shopping online and then try them on in the comfort of your own hope. Pick your fave and then send the rest back.
I'm so psyched to get started. I got new Nike's and a new piece of weight equiptment today!
I actually did buy one at Target a couple weeks ago. The reason I bought it was because it was a size small and it fit. If you try Target, the one I found was a tankini with boyshorts...striped searsucker. I'll get Sara to take my pic in it and post it. We could all get the same one and match each other virtually!!!