well.. not really dreaded.. but sorta worried i wouldnt make it all the way and have to call someone to come pick me up :) LOL>.
but i made it! 5 miles running most.
its funny how through the run it ebs and flows of ahhhh this feels great to.. ahhhh i am going to die.. to ahhh.. this feels great i could do this forever.. to AHHHHH can i quit :) ..
i ended on a good note and felt really great at the end :)
bad news is my nike plus battery is KaPUT. so.. the 5 mile run only registered as a half mile.. .. but oh well.. just add 5miles to the total over there in the side bar and you can figure how much farther we have left to go :)
.. ok.. busy day.. lawn to mow.. garage frame boards to paint.. kids to take to see a famous childrens artist.. and thats in less than an hour!..
gotta go.
Gotcha Suzette.. THANKS! now tonight i can catch up with your blog !
I have been posting on Happy Housewives club and thought i would share with the nonHHWC gals what i just wrote :)
On the having kids front and trying to workout.. its tough.. it really is.. but i got to where the option was either workout or be fat and lazy. some days i would wake up and say "ok.. i can lay here in bed since the kids are all still asleep OR i can get up and workout for 20 min... i made my simple saying in my head "do i want to be fat or FIT"..... I finally got to where I chose FIT over fat ..
It just takes one day at a time.. one workout at a time... give yourself a break.. being a mom is hard work yes... but .. we should never use it as an excuse to not work towards a goal. we need to be fit for our kids sake! to pick them up when they get hurt.. to be able to carry them from the car to the house when they fall asleep in the car! ..
it also gets a bit depressing to get in shape and then get pregnant.. I always gained soooo much weight with my babies that it was like starting all over again. Thats why..not quiting is important.
YOU can do it! .. Just make up your mind to. you wouldnt let the dishes sit for week without washing them..you wouldnt got for three days without brushing your teeth..
think of working out and eating better the same way.. its just a habit and something that MUST be done.. (like changing diapers.. its not any fun.. but we all feel better after its taken care of LOL
dont miss progress pics below :)