ok.. its official.. i have decided what I am doing over the next 12 weeks.
I will begin BFL weight training on Monday (april 14th) with my end date on JULY 4th! Isnt that fun! Its a total of 82 days instead of 84 but I think it will be fun to end it on the 4th!
I will also begin a 14 week training for a 1/2 marathon. Using the training guide in Marathoning for Mortals. I will actually begin on the 3rd week since the first two weeks of the program work you up to a 3mile run (and i am already doing that :) .. so it works out good to have a 12 week running plan too! ..
so.. what are YOU doing July 4th? want to train for a run-walk with me?
I will probably invite some friends over the morning of the 4th, .. we have a neighborhood parade around 10am that starts right in front of our house :) .. anyway.. i will invite friends over to run before the parade that morning and i will run my 1/2 marathon that morning :) OR i might just use my Nike+ and go it alone.. either way.. i will run a 1/2 on the 4th :) hehe..I will probably create a challenge on Nike+ for other runners to join in too on that date :)
I love Marathoning for Mortals book.. its training plans are easy and it is written so that you really know ANYONE can run a marathon :) Want to take a look inside the book? click here
of course a new training plan MUST equal a new design to my blog :) I all about loving change.. so be watching for that too :) (guess what the theme will be:)
to answer Josha's Question:
The book has plans for the following..
walking 1/2 and full
walking most with some running 1/2 and full.
running most with some walking 1/2 and full.
and running 1/2 and full.
I am going to try doing the running most 1/2 with eventual plans of doing a full in the fall.
the training plans are great..
but during the week you go a certain time (30min and increasing ever few weeks) alternating walking and running.. then on the weekends you do a long run .. for endurance.. I will post a picture of my plan later today :)
come on. .. do it with me!!!!! :) hehehe..
So, when people run marathons or 1/2 marathons, do they actually run the whole thing? Or is there some walking? :)