Form training First

Form Training?WHATS THAT?
well as I understood it to be in my marathoning for Mortals book its basically sprints.. warm up ... get loose.. then start running gradually increasing your pace until you are at a fast sprint. Focus on quick foot strike.. then .... walk for a minute. .. and start all over.
thats what i did tonight .
UGH> OH MY GOODNESS.. i kinda sorta thought i was in shape! but doing those sprints.. UGH>. makes you feel old and out of shape :) LOL.

the plan was to run with Cat (my daughter) but after we were warmed up and started to jog her foot started hurting.. so we turned around and came home.. ended up to be almost a mile :) .. (hum.. so i wonder if playing soccer after co-op today barefooted on a gym floor has an corrilation with her foot hurting :) ?) ..
i walked her home and then started over.. so I ended up with 2.57 miles of sprint form training and 1 walking warm up with cat :) .. and i am tired!!!!!!!! and i mean T. I. A. R. D!

ok.. so i think next time i will add some of these into my plan.. the kids do these at track.. so if they are good for the kids.. it should be good for me right?
form drill training
drill training link #2

on the eats front..
ugh.. way off most of today.
too much sugar.. not enough protein..
but tonight..i have a shake calling my name.. :) and a grocery list waiting for me in the morning. so .
its all good..
remembering this whole thing is about progress.. NOT being perfect.

i still feel like i made progress today :)

and a last but not least.. a bit of crazy inspiration



Anonymous said…
Thank you so much for your super nice comment on my blog. I agree with you in mind, just need to start really feeling it. I will learn to be gentle on myself through this training, I just know it. Comments like that help me stay on the right course.
Thank you!
sauchagirl said…
Great workout!