ok.. I did a 30 min moderate run this morning during the kids track practice. I used my nikeplus to do a "timed" run so it would talk to me every few minutes and say "10 mins completed" etc. until it counted down the last 5 mins.. and that was good.. cause I really wanted to stop.. but it kept saying.. "only 3 mins to go".. etc. .. Yeah.. lovin the Plus.
ends up i ran a little over 3 miles. and it was nice cause i could feel myself get in a relaxed "space" and just enjoy jogging.. like i use to enjoy walking. cool.
Lots to do today..schooling, getting the left over garage sale items out of the workout zone and to the donation place, board meeting tonight... I will lift weights around four. Today i will do upper body.
I am going to have to alter my weight lifting schedule to flow with my runs.. .. more on that when i have more time ...
day one feels great.
**** update***
so its almost 11.. i should be in bed.. i am tired.. heres a quick recap of today
- no lifting done today.
- but.. garage/gym is only 10 mins away from being weight lifting ready
- worked on the garage this afternoon thinking i would have time to actually lift.. but no go.
- i need to rethink my whole marathon training and weight liftin and what days i will do what on.. hopefully tomorrow i will get a post-plan up for that..
still feeling GREAT on no caffeine! sorry i keep mentioning that but this is a HUGE thing for me.. .. Sugar less days are going great too.. i am feeling so great.. and i know i am running so much easier on my runs because i am off all that stuff. (a post on that later too.. i promise)
off to bed..
more tomorrow
"progress not perfection!"