80 degree run.. hot but fun.

I am loving our spring weather.. I tried to get out the door a bit early to get my run started before track practice started at 10.. but we had a stray dog (golden retreaver) pup show up at our door step.. .. why to people get dogs and not put identificaiton on them? i just dont understand. .. anyway.. so we were late to practice instead of early.. cause i put the dog in the back yard so it wouldnt follow us and end up getting run over by a car. .. so much for my good deed.. when we got home.. she was out of our fence and running around the neighborhood again.. oh well.. i tried atleast :)

so heres the info..
today was my 40 min run.. I did 3.83 miles in 40 mins.. the first two miles were easy but the last two UHG.. hard.. but at least i finished. ;) .. I am saddle sore from riding lessons on Saturday.. so that made running interesting.. also.. i wore my old nike running shorts.. and UGH.. i new better.. i hated running in them.. so .. its back to my skirt next time.. I will never wear regular shorts again! too much bunchy business having to adjust them ex.. to much rubbing in the wrong places...

I am not liking the "lifting weights only twice a week" and the book didnt cover any other suggestions or options so i think i will add a weight day on one run day.. in the evening.

all for now.. off to get the kids lunch, history, science and a trip to the library and Maybe the zoo!!! :) yippee!


sauchagirl said…
Awesome run! Great weather! So glad!

Hope the rest of your day went just as well.
Josha said…
Great job!!! You are doing so well! So, what is your marathon goal? Are you shooting for mostly running with some walking or all running or what? I've forgotten and it's easier to ask than to look back...hehehe. And, at this stage in the book, are you running it all or mostly running? SG (Sauchagirl), do you have the book yet? Are you going to join in on the half-marathon idea too? Just pondering it all....