What's bigger, better and harder than a marathon?

I found MY answer. I found my "thing" that is bigger, harder, more mentally challenging, and better than running a marathon.
I have always held in my mind this idea that running a marathon or a triathalon would be a HUGE "mountain to climb" so to speak.. it would be my "mission impossible" ........ but .. tonight..
I had a thought come to my mind.......

in my life.... what would be bigger than a marathon........ what would be a something I could do to celebrate my 40th b-day and would be more difficult for me mentally, and physically than training for a long race event..............
I found my answer.
I have my goal.

I am doing my research......... so you will have to wait a bit to find out what it will be :) .......
I must get my plan together and my mind truly wrapped around what i am about to try and accomplish...........it might not seem huge to anyone else........ but to me........its my Mount Everest...

so ..

Stay tuned.........to find out what I am going to be doing.......

in the mean time.........any of you want to guess what it could be?


Josha said…
get off sugar? off cokes? become a raw vegan? bike across america? kayak the mississippi? Go to med school? swim across the erie canal? hitch hike to Virginia? climb an ice cliff? become a dog groomer? get rid of all but one pair of shoes? grow out your toenails? enter a bodybuilding competition? take a nap? why do you do this to me????????
Unknown said…
learn to like the cold????? haha. plus everything josha said. can't wait to find out!
Ruthie said…
oh that was funny! thats why i did this too you.. cause you are soooo funny!
and a hint..
its either all .. or one of the above. :) heheh
Anonymous said…
my guess would be a bodybuilding competition. that would be something major for me for sure...whatever it is, if you set your mind to it, you can do it!
Anonymous said…
I know I know!!!! Facing your fear of flying and getting on a plane to China to hike the Great Wall with me for your fortieth birthday!:D

Haha. I so know it's not that, but I thought I'd contribute now that I can leave blogspot blog comments again!
Ruthie said…
girl.. flying ... oh .. i am not to that point yet.. someday though:)

so glad you can comment! fun!