Tummy, Blitz, Links!

Hey girls! .
what a day.. definitely made progress today. and it feels great. !

My Saturday was filled with three out to eat meals. Three meals that were exactly like I USE to eat all the time! I am not sure if its because my digestive system is so use to eating on plan or semi-plan:) But the results of eating a normal typical SAD diet meal for me was TWO stomach aches.. (which i will not go into detail about) .. the second of which had me up until 2am!
Girls... that was it for me.. AGAIN it took a day of unhealthy eating to kick my tushy into WANTING to eat healthy.. it was an experience i know i will probably have again.. but I wish it to be a very long time before it does return!

so.. my Sunday was successful in that I have had ZERO sugar today.. unless it came from whole fruit or fruit in its own juice. I had 4 sips of tea.. .. which was an attempt to get rid of the headache that was on its way. But.. 2 hours later.. a migraine arrived.. and i seem to be successfully negotiating my "detox" yet again. I have taken two tylenol and it has made my headache manageable... But I know all this will be worth it .. AGAIN.. as by Tuesday i will feel great and be sugar-cafiene free.. leaving me with sleeping GREAT at night AND energy levels that dont go up and down like a bad roller coaster!

I have the kitchen stocked with healthy meals.. more romaine lettuce, tomatoes, unsweetened apple sauce, oranges, pineapples, beans... and will cook a whole chicken tomorrow for just a bit of warm meat :) I have 4 cartons of eggs.. and some already boiled for tomorrow. I also bought some Twin labs Protein.. which is what I have always used.. but for the last 6 weeks refused to buy cause it had doubled in price 5lb bucket was 45.99! but.. I caved.. whats a girl to do who loves her protein drinks! .. .. but.. It feels good to be prepared.. and ready for the week.

Now for the fun stuff.
  1. I am starting the 8 week Blitz program with Sara and Josha.. maybe i will stay healthy enough to make it through a WHOLE round.
  2. I found a great podcast.. on itunes.. if you are interested. called. "Fitness Rocks" . just do a search on itune for the FREE downloads!
  3. The podcast i listened to had a lady on talking about a CD she had created called
    "SkinnySongs".. she has a website.. you can listen.. the songs are great.. I REALLY love the t-shirts she has on here.. be sure and click on the right side bar to see the t-shirt link! Click Here
I am doing the 8 week Blitz program for but still consider myself doing a 12 week round of BFL. The Blitz is a program and still has weight lifting and Hitts.. but instead of doing the same lifts all the time .. it alters your lifts and sets so your body doesnt get use to it.. thus.. get better results .. If you have done BFL for a while and want a change .. click here to check out the blitz.
If you are just beginning.. do the BFL program! .. It WORKS!

I am thrilled with today.. I am so tired.. from lack of sleep and all the detox stuff going on..
its almost 10pm and I am heading to bed.. DH is up at 5ish tomorrow.. so i plan on getting up early too.. depending on how the night goes.. i would LOVE to get my blitzin in before 9am!

Looking forward to a strong week!
How bout you?


Josha said…
I'm so excited to get started together again!
sauchagirl said…
Great news! I'm looking forward to a strong week also. I really think if I hadn't found you ladies I wouldn't have been nearly as driven as I am.

I was also on the prowl for some good music to run to that was upbeat and had a motivating message. I love Skinny Jeans! Thanks.

I may consider the blitz when I'm done with BFL. I'm in my last 4 week homestretch!
Sarah said…
Have a happy STRONG week!

I wanted to let you know about a GREAT kid's book I just got off of amazon.com - The Children's Health Food Book by Ron Seaborn...it's for kids probably 6 or 7 and older. VERY educational for kidlets!
Unknown said…
Hooray for you! I'm so glad you're with us now!