no run yesterday.. but

no run yesterday but i will do legs and go for a run today :) its beatiful outside today! not warm enough for me ... but atleast its in the 70s! hehe.. I should live in the tropics! :)

my shoulder still has a dull ache-pain in has popped a few times with pain but yesterday when I was hanging a clothesline out (up).. it popped really loud an almost felt like it disclocated :( it hurt so bad i thought i was going to pass out! URG! .
today I am trying to clean house and just be careful with it..

more after i workout :)


Josha said…
Hi! I wonder how your workout went??? And I wonder what you are thinking about a marathon today??? I think you could do it and I think you certainly don't have to. A 10K is a great goal too. So would a tri, but you would need to be able to work your upper body for that, I would think....I believe you will be able to work out your chest, shoulders, etc. again at some point if you choose to, but since you can't right now, marathon training would be a nice diversion. Have you talked with a physical therapist? I know they could help you feel confident that you can work out your upper body differently and still keep going.
Unknown said…
OUCH! Hope your workout went great!