Dr report (UPDATED)

“There are always two choices. Two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.”

“It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”

UPDATE: 824pm
just got home from an amazing walk jog.. I feel so much better... although my shoulder still hurts.. I AM DECIDING TO BE UNSTOPPABLE! YES SIR REEEE THAT'S ME.
but on a serious note. what other choice do i have? I could CHOSE to get depressed about what I cannot do! (lift weights on upper body) OR i could CHOSE to be enthusiastic about what I CAN do (walk, jog, run, stairs, walking lunges, squats with no weights, leg curls, leg extensions, abwork.. OH the abwork i could do!,).. do i need to go on? .. dont think so.. OH.. but wait there is more! I can CHOOSE to eat my way through injury and frustration OR live as a healthy fit person and CHOOSE to use fitness as a way to make it through this until i am "back to normal"..
Heres to a GREAT workout..
5 MILES! a Beautiful sunset, a great visit with my sis on the phone, and a tired puppy! YIPPPEE!!

How was YOUR day? what did YOU CHOOSE? .. would love to hear.

"What does not destroy me makes me stronger"

well.. basically.. its either this or that... and we wont know until next week..
I got xrays of shoulder and neck, a prescription for antinflamitory-steroid stuff.....
he said "never ever do bench press again!".. and. .. ugh.

i take my meds, rest and do the exercises he gave me... wait and see what the xrays show.. and go back next week...... if its not better.. then looks like an MRI is in my future. .

its o frustrating.. I was doing so good... but you know.. this is life... just because i have an injury doesnt mean i will become a couch potato!
I am going to do a individualized workout plan for myself.. doing what i can on weights (lunges, walking lungs, leg ext, leg curls, etc..etc...) and gather a solid cardio plan with maybe a race or too in the next 6 months.
I will focus on clean eats....

being injured is not an excuse for being lazy or unfit. ...This is my test i guess to see if this weight loss journey has truly been a lifestyle change. .. :)

now i am off to do more home education :) .. the kids are asking to go to the zoo.. but we will put that off until tomorrow :) .. spelling, Bible, and King Arthur await! .


Josha said…
Hooray for Ruth! Unstoppable!
Unknown said…
Keep it up lady!!!